Who is "The Universe" and why do we keep asking it for stuff??
What you're not being told about The Law of Attraction and those who teach/channel it.
- Why the $10million cheque Jim Carrey wrote to himself is a great story, but may actually mean very little to you.
- Why someone teaching how to make money with LoA needs to have a source of income other than teaching how to make money with LoA!
- The marketing of "spirituality."
Being tired of what you have is not the same as being ready for what you want.
Your ego isn't bad...and why you really don't want to get rid of it!
- Those who are the biggest proponents of losing the ego have some of the biggest ones around!
The better you are at visualizing, the worse you may be at manifesting.
Affirmations don't work--but changing your self-talk does (and how they're different).
You have to be judgmental in the new energies.
- Join the "Lightworkers in Judgment" club today!
Unless they work for a School District, College, or University, no one can tell you they're a teacher.
- At best, they're a sharer. YOU decided who is and who is not a teacher in your life.
How telling your story completely and fully may be the best way to find out what you want.
- Do you really want what you think you want...or do you just not want to not want it?
What centuries of religion and spiritual teaching have taught us that absolutely no longer applies.
The danger of thinking there's a Spiritual Hierarchy.
- If you're a "Lightworker"...that implies that those not like you are "Darkworkers." Hmmm...
- Thinking you have a "Higher Self" means there's a separation that you--the "Lower Self"--have created.
How much time do you spend "working on" yourself and your life?
- Have you ever liked your life as it's happening...or only in hindsight?
The piece of "Be. Do. Have." that's missing from most New Age teaching...and how it's crucial to your success.
- It's not the part you might think. And one part should be de-emphasized completely--but it's the current basis for LoA!
- "I'm a Spiritual Being having a Physical Experience" is a nice sentiment...but may be keeping you stuck!
What you're getting when you listen to channeled information.
- Also, asking questions of a psychic gives him/her permission to access your energy--and that may not be a good thing.
Too many "Spiritual Laws" are just a re-packaging of the old Judeo-Christian paradigm of God-As-Punisher.
- Who says these are "laws" and where'd they come from anyway?
- The one that really matters is Wheaton's Law.
Discover your "purpose" once and for all--and then get about the busyness of LIVING!
- I'm not going to "give you your Lightbody" (you can't not have it)...I'm not going to "activate your soul" (it activates you)...I won't send you a talisman to wear around your neck nor will I ask you to carry a green piece of paper in your wallet for "abundance." This is about the doing-ness of Physicality. You're not a brain in a jar.
And I swear--if just one more person tells me to "shift my vibration"...............